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Legend Development Services, Inc. | Hauppauge, NY

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Rich Isaac

When a prospect asks you to set up a presentation, do you instantly agree? Lots of sellers do. Sometimes it’s because they’re excited about the possibility of engaging with a person or group, they haven’t been able to connect with.  But if the presentation results in “Let us think about it,” you’ve wasted time, even if it does put you in front of new people.

There’s one simple, easy-to-pose question that will, if you use it consistently, simultaneously improve your closing ratio, shorten your sales cycle, and deepen your relationship and impact within the buying organization. And yet salespeople hardly ever ask this question.

Salespeople often believe that ABC (Always Be Closing) is the first rule of sales. Not so. Sales Professionals know that constantly asking for the order makes them a pushy salesperson. Instead, pros ask the right questions at the right time to guide the prospect in establishing the next steps in the sales process. Prospects will either move toward closing themselves … or disclose their hesitancy, issues, or where problems still lie.


Have you ever been on a sales call and get the sense that the other person has checked out of the discussion? We’ve all been there. Don’t fail into the prospect’s trap and help them end the meeting! Now is the time to follow the Sandler Rule, “If you feel it, say it.” Here’s how to uncover their issues.

We are living through a fascinating time. This coronavirus event is worldwide and will certainly have a major impact on our lives... personally, professionally, and potentially economically. Is there a silver lining to this cloud? Perhaps there is an opportunity to work on our “mindset” based on how we handle this adversity.

Ask salespeople to list their least favorite selling activities, and you can count on “prospecting” being at the top of the list. And, the least favorite of all prospecting activities is unquestionably making cold calls.

Twelve simple maxims for salespeople, covering elements of the sales process such as identifying the right issue to work on, dealing with budget issues, getting decisions from prospects, and more...

We all know how important Trade shows have become in the Marketing Mix of many companies. While it is unlikely that you and your company neglect to take ALL of these important steps, if you have been to enough Trade Shows, you know that most companies have neglected at least some of them.

Did you know that there are actually four styles of listeners, and depending on which style you employ, you may be helping communication or stopping it completely?